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本笃会的大学 is located in historic Atchison,堪萨斯, which is a small city on the west bank of the Missouri River, 在堪萨斯城以北45英里处, 在莱文沃思以北20英里处, 堪萨斯, 在圣. 约瑟夫,密苏里州.

The heritage of 本笃会的大学 is rooted in the fifteen hundred year tradition of the 本尼迪克特ine Order and the more recent dedication of the American Catholic church to providing sound general and religious 教育 to its members. In 1856, at the request of the Most Rev. 约翰B. Miege,年代.J., 利文沃斯教区牧师, two 本尼迪克特ine monks arrived in Atchison with the intention of founding a 本尼迪克特ine school of higher learning for the people of 堪萨斯.

In 1858, the monks opened a boarding school and enrolled six students. St. 本尼迪克特学院诞生了.  从一开始, the classical course served to prepare candidates for the priesthood, while the commercial course satisfied other needs of the pioneers.

6月13日, 1868, the college was incorporated under the laws of 堪萨斯 and empowered to confer degrees and academic honors. 1915年后,圣. 本尼迪克特’s gradually abandoned the traditional academy, 大大扩大了课程设置, and became an accredited liberal arts college in 1927.

Seven 本尼迪克特ine sisters arrived in Atchison in 1863 to begin a school for the townspeople. St. Scholastica’s Academy for young women opened on December 1, 1863, with forty-four students. In 1877, the sisters purchased Price Villa, now called St. Cecilia’s, and moved from their location near St. 本尼迪克特’s to the present site of the 山圣. Scholastica修道院. There, the sisters continued their academy, and in 1924 山圣. Scholastica’s Junior College was opened. The junior college soon became a senior college and in 1932 it conferred its first bachelor’s degrees. 1934年,山圣. Scholastica College was fully accredited by the North Central Association.

多年来, the monks and sisters cooperated in their 教育al ventures, ultimately merging the two colleges on July 1, 1971, 成立了本笃学院. 从那以后的几年里, 本笃会的大学 has formed its own identity, one steeped in the history and tradition of its parent institutions.


Saints 本尼迪克特 and Scholastica gave up everything to follow Christ in the monastic life.  They were twins born into a wealthy family around 480 A.D. 位于意大利诺尔恰镇附近.  Their parents were faithful Christians who gave them a sound 教育 and solid spiritual formation.

Disturbed by the immoral conduct of fellow students in Rome, St. 本尼迪克特 left and went to a place named Subiaco.  这里成了他的隐居之所.  During this time a raven would bring him food.  他工作, 祈祷, 读, and studied there for several years before founding a monastery at Monte Cassino, 废弃的罗马要塞.  占领了要塞后,圣. 本笃十六世为圣. 图尔的马丁和圣. 施洗约翰.  In this monastery he performed miracles, wrote his famous Rule of St. 本尼迪克特, and challenged his disciples to follow Christ.  在他死前,圣. 本尼迪克特 received the Eucharist, raised his hands to God and made a final offering of his life.

St. Scholastica consecrated herself to God at an early age.  She later established a monastery for women at Plombariola, near Monte Cassino.  作为第一个本笃会修女, 她遵守规则, and was Abbess of her community where she excelled in teaching her disciples to follow Christ.  St. 本尼迪克特看到了圣. Scholastica’s soul leaving her body and entering heaven in the form of a dove.  The dove is a Christian symbol for her.

圣. 本尼迪克特 and Scholastica rest together at the High Altar of Monte Cassino’s Basilica Church under the Latin inscription, 这意味着, “St. 本笃与圣. Scholastica were never separated in the spirit during their life nor are their bodies separated in their death.”  This brother and sister are patrons of the 本尼迪克特ine Order and 本笃会的大学.

With just a short trip from Rome, it is possible to visit the Abbey of Monte Cassino and St. Scholastica修道院直到今天. For further information about our patrons 读 the Rule of St. 本笃十六世和圣. 格列高利大帝.

我们的赞助人,圣. 本笃十六世的修道院 and the sisters of 山圣. Scholastica修道院, responded to the call of Christ by traveling to the wilds of the 堪萨斯 frontier to found this school of the Lord’s service in 1858.  In God’s providence these men and women established 本笃会的大学 on the very land discovered by the Lewis and Clark expedition on July 4, 1804.


The mission of the 本尼迪克特ine Sisters of 山圣. Scholastica is to steward the 本尼迪克特ine Charism and share their living tradition. The Mount is a community devoted to a communal life of prayer, work and hospitality lived according to the Rule of St. 本尼迪克特.  Their ministry flows out of their monastic life with a focus on empowering women, 尤其是年轻人, 穷人, 以及那些最需要帮助的人, through 教育 and the sharing of the 本尼迪克特ine culture and spirituality. 随时欢迎客人光临.

ST. 本笃十六世的修道院

圣。. 本笃十六世的修道院 seek after Christ in their monastic vocations, 努力在文化上成为本笃会教徒, 信仰天主教, 和福音派的语言, 工作业绩. From their earliest days in the 1850s as the fourth 本尼迪克特ine Community founded in the United States, they were dubbed the “堪萨斯 Monks” by their motherhouse in Pennsylvania. They wear this label with pride as they work to foster faith, 教育, and culture in the local churches of Northeast 堪萨斯 and in the greater world beyond. They  welcome visitors at their beautiful monastery overlooking the Missouri River.